PhillipsAlum.Org Membership

The Phillips University Alumni and Friends Association speaks as the voice of alumni and friends: communicates, preserves, and perpetuates the heritage of Phillips University.


Much of our information about PUAFA members is stale and we don’t know if it’s accurate. If we wanted to arrange a regional reunion where you live, we might not be able to let you know about the event.

To enable you to provide information to us and us to reach you, is now a membership site so we can privately provide information about other registered members of the website. An example is sharing who has registered to attend the reunion. You may already be a member of PUAFA, but to take full advantage of new features, you need to create or update your account. Note: If you created your new account in 2024, you’re all set.

To start the process, register as a member and provide when you attended, what degree(s) you earned at Phillips, the clubs to which you belonged. If you wish, your contact information, or just certain parts of it, will be as available to other members as you want. You can limit access only to members of your club, or only to members of PUAFA, or to the Phillips University Legacy Foundation and/or Phillips Theological Seminary. Each of these options are individual choices you make when you register. If you do not opt-in, nothing will be shared.

As we move forward, we hope to provide a more private, less commercial place to share stories and upload your photos from your days at Phillips U. We expect to add a means to update our In Memory page which has not been updated in several years.
Registering to be a member has its reward… when you register to be a member, you receive a $5.00 discount when you register for the next homecoming. If you’re logged in, you can also see who has registered to attend the upcoming reunion.


If you already have an account set up on – likely created when you ordered something through the shopping mall – you should login to the website with your current username and password using this link: Once you’re logged in, use the membership registration link to update your profile rather than creating a new one. If your current password does not meet the strength requirements indicated in the member registration, you should change your password making it stronger. The registration form provides the requirements, but we encourage you to make it even stronger, e.g. more special characters, more numbers, and so on.

To create your new membership account, click on this link

When you register for the upcoming Reunion, you can also pay your PUAFA Membership dues and make donations to related causes. We’ll soon add the ability to make payment via credit card on the website even if you are not registering for the reunion.