Member Registration Plan B

If you already have an account on, please login first, then fill out this registration form. If your existing password doesn’t meet the strength requirements this form requires, just enter a new password which does. We encourage stronger passwords, e.g. 12 characters and extra special characters, numbers, etc.

PUAFA Member Registration

PUAFA LOGO Member Registration

Please provide as much information as possible so we can create and maintain connections with other Phillipians.

Middle or Maiden Name
Last Name
Must be at least 8 characters. Upper and lower case letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9), ‘.’ and ‘-‘ are allowed.
cancel1 check1 Eight characters minimum cancel1 check1 One lowercase letter cancel1 check1 One uppercase letter cancel1 check1 One number cancel1 check1 One special character
Enter Password
Confirm Password
Provide landline if mobile not available.
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Please enter the name of your spouse if they attended Phillips.

Final Exam Questions

Select the correct answer.
Select the correct answer.

Provide any clubs and organizations you were involved in at Phillips.

If you don’t find yours, choose Other from the Secondary List and complete the Other field.
To make multiple selections, hold the Command or Ctrl key and click. If you don’t find yours, choose Other and complete the Other field.

Please provide your years and areas of study or work at Phillips.

If you were a member of the faculty or administration, check Other and indicate your service.

May we make your contact information available to other members? You can also elect to share your information with your club, e.g. Tenth Muse or Varsity, as well as Phillips Theological Seminary (PTS) and Phillips University Legacy Foundation (PULF).
Note: If you leave all the toggles set to No, nothing will be shared.

Sharing Options

Share w/in PUAFA

Specify what contact information you want to share.

Share with PTS

Specify what contact information you want to share.

Share with PULF

Specify what contact information you want to share.

Share with your Club

Specify what contact information you want to share.

Please read the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions statements linked below. If you agree, please acknowledge by checking the checkboxes below.

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Terms & Conditions
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